Once a brilliant scientist named Victor, his world shattered when his beloved wife Nora fell victim to a terminal illness. Determined to save her, Victor placed her in suspended animation, only to face a devastating accident that left him unable to survive above freezing temperatures. Embracing his new reality, he donned a special suit to maintain his existence and became Mr. Freeze, seeking vengeance against those who stole his happiness. Introducing Mr. Freeze, the tragic figure whose heart remains frozen in grief and determination! From the depths of sorrow to the heights of villainy, this incredibly detailed 7" scale figure from the DC MULTIVERSE by McFarlane Toys captures the essence of Mr. Freeze's chilling saga like never before. Crafted with Ultra Articulation and featuring up to 22 moving parts, this figure offers a full range of posing possibilities, allowing you to recreate epic battles and dramatic poses from across the frozen landscape of Gotham City. Included with Mr. Freeze is his iconic ice blaster and a figure base for dynamic displays. Plus, delve deeper into his tragic tale with a collectible art card featuring character art on the front and a gripping biography on the back. Join the ranks of collectors and enthusiasts alike and experience the chilling legacy of Mr. Freeze by McFarlane Toys. Expand your universe, embrace the power of redemption, and collect all McFARLANE TOYS DC MULTIVERSE figures today!